← Return to Oceania 2084 - Surplus Edition
- February 24, 2025 by Jocher Symbolic Systems#oceania2084, #ttrpg, #fulfillment, #dystopian, #orwell, #hardbackI am thrilled to announce that pledge fulfillment for our highly anticipated dystopian tabletop role-playing game, Oceania 2084 , are now in full motion. As we speak, the books are being mailed out to... Continue reading
- January 06, 2025 by Jocher Symbolic Systems#Oceania2084, #Podcast, #Twitch, #Ap, #Actualplay, #Orwellian, #Dystopian, #TtrpgI am beyond happy that Wandering Monster will be streaming a live session of my game Oceania 2084 tomorrow! Check them out! Give them a follow and a sub! Wed. 1/7 at 8:30 PM CST, join the crew of Wand... Continue reading
- December 24, 2024 by Jocher Symbolic Systems#Oceania2084, #Dystopian, #Ttrpg, #Sale, #OrwellTo celebrate the midwinter holidays and to brighten up the dark days I decided to put Oceania 2084 -Surplus Edition up for a 50% sale. I wish you all the best and a holiday with lots of time for your... Continue reading
- November 11, 2024 by Jocher Symbolic Systems1#Dystopian, #Orwell, #Ttrpg, #Sale, #Roleplaying, #DarkAs part of promoting the game I am running a 50% discount for 10 days!... Continue reading
- November 01, 2024 by Jocher Symbolic Systems1#dystopian, #orwellian, #release, #ttrpg, #roleplaying, #sci-fi, #cyberpunk, #darkAfter months of anticipation, I am thrilled to unveil the fully illustrated edition of Oceania 2084 - Surplus Edition. Building on the text-only Austere Edition, this new release promises to immerse y... Continue reading
- October 25, 2024 by Jocher Symbolic Systems#update, #oceania2084, #dystopian, #orwell, #orwellian, #ttrpg, #roleplaying, #jocher, #sci-fiI have not updated this page in a while. Today I did it! Big changes! There are now two pages on itch for Oceania 2084: The Austere Edition (2e), free text-only version: https://jocher-symbolic-system... Continue reading
- May 08, 2024 by Jocher Symbolic Systems3#rascal, #interview, #dystopian, #kickstarter, #ttrpg, #oceania2084, #orwell, #dark, #politicsOn the 6th of May Rascal News published an interview with me about the dystopian game Oceania 2084. Me and Rowan talked about the real-world implications and inspirations for that game, and how the ga... Continue reading
- April 27, 2024 by Jocher Symbolic Systems#spelkult, #dystopia, #orwell, #ttrpg, #rollspel, #kickstarterA while back I was interviewed by the Swedish page Spelkult, we talked about how it feels to play the game and the philosophy behind the game. If you are a Swedish speaker check it out! https://spelku... Continue reading
- April 24, 2024 by Jocher Symbolic Systems4#kickstarter, #ttrpg, #dystopian, #dark, #videos, #update, #orwell, #orwellian, #hope, #resistance, #political, #antiauthoritarian, #existensialism, #review, #designtalk, #behindthescenes, #design, #oceania2084, #jocherHi everybody, I thought it would be cool to gather all the various interviews, reviews, and video materials that this campaign has yielded so far. But before that, a quick update on the project as a w... Continue reading
- April 22, 2024 by Jocher Symbolic Systems1#interview, #ttrpg, #dystopian, #politics, #playexperience, #oceania2084, #jocher, #nodiceunrolled, #kickstarterYesterday No Dice Unrolled published the interview that I was part of last monday! We talk about the intended experience of playing the game and the politics that are intertwined with the game mechani... Continue reading
- April 18, 2024 by Jocher Symbolic Systems2#ttrpg, #ttrpgcommunity, #oceania2084, #kickstarter, #dystopian, #roleplaying, #rpg, #orwell, #orwellian, #cyberpunk, #dark, #gritty, #jocher, #symbolicsystems, #collectorsedition, #limitededitionNew project update on the hardback edition Kickstarter - "Yesterday's talk on Gotland and a Bad Review"! https://www.kickstarter.com/.../oceania-2084-the.../posts The project is now 18 percent backed... Continue reading
- April 12, 2024 by Jocher Symbolic Systems1#Ttrpg, #Dystopia, #Design, #Designtalk, #Orwellian, #Kickstarter, #Roleplaying, #GamedesignI recorded a 20 minutes designers talk about the game, the creation of it and the thoughts I have around some parts of the design. I hope you like it! Let me also mention that the game is currently on... Continue reading
- April 10, 2024 by Jocher Symbolic Systems3#kickstarter, #orwellian, #dystopia, #ttrpg, #roleplaying, #launch, #indie, #limitededition"Oceania 2084 - Surplus Edition" Kickstarter is LIVE. Help me reach my dream of a printed hard back edition of the game. Follow the link below to go to the page and pledge to help me put a hardback bo... Continue reading
- March 29, 2024 by Jocher Symbolic Systems1#kickstarter, #oceania2084, #jocher, #orwellian, #dystopia, #sci-fi, #ttrpg, #rolepleyingFinally! The Oceania 2084 Kickstarter is in pre-launch! Help me reacah my dream of a printed hard back edition of the game. The printed version will be illustrated by Mika Edström . Follow the link b... Continue reading
- March 01, 2024 by Jocher Symbolic Systems2#Oceania, #2084, #Orwellian, #Orwell, #Ttrpg, #Roleplaying, #Dystopian, #Jocher, #Awards, #Vote, #IndieOceania 2084 is nominated in the swedish Fenix Awards in the categories of best free rpg! Go vote for it, why don't'cha! https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeqaJACTuyxSXHyv9jaDIM1hrEnkNuxpueOBIE... Continue reading
- February 01, 2024 by Jocher Symbolic Systems2#itch, #marketing, #aesthetics, #presentation, #oceania, #oceania-2084, #oceania2084, #2084, #orwell, #orwellian, #dystopian, #sci-fi, #sciencefictionToday I spent some time fiddling with the visual aesthetic of the itch page. I hope you like the changes!... Continue reading
- November 25, 2023 by Jocher Symbolic Systems2#oceania, #orwell, #solo, #ttrpg, #roleplaying, #wip, #dystopianSince the release of the core rules, I have been working more intensely on the rules for solo play. Yesterday they were sent out to all playtesters. The release of the Solo Rules is planned for Christ... Continue reading
- November 19, 2023 by Jocher Symbolic Systems2##dystopian, ##orwell, ##ttrpg, ##roleplaying, ##indie, ##tabletop, ##cyberpunk, ##sci-fi, ##scifi, ##storytellingOceania 2084 is now on both rpggeek.com and drivethrurpg.com https://rpggeek.com/rpg/100386/oceania-2084 Help me out by rating it & filling in all the missing info! https://www.drivethrurpg.com/produc... Continue reading
- November 09, 2023 by Jocher Symbolic Systems1#launch, #release, #dystopian, #orwell, #ttrpg, #indie, #roleplaying, #thriller, #horror, #antiauthoritarian, #assymetrical, #tabletop, #printnplay, #creativecommons, #free, #oceania2084, #jocherFINALLY! Today I release my game Oceania 2084 into the great unknown. I have developed the game over a little more than three years. It has resulted in me getting my master's degree and I have met a l... Continue reading
- November 05, 2023 by Jocher Symbolic Systems2#oceania, #orwell, #orwellian, #dystopia, #ttrpg, #roleplaying, #tabletop, #release, #kickstarter, #1984, #nineteeneightyfour, #dark, #anarchist, #antiauthoritarianSince the October update, I have been hard at work! It has paid off. I now, finally, have a release candidate ready! Now all that is needed is some proofreading and then Oceania 2084 - the Orwellian T... Continue reading
- October 15, 2023 by Jocher Symbolic Systems2#wip, #oceania, #2084, #orwellian, #dystopia, #ttrpg, #in-development, #update, #october, #kickstarter, #hope, #resistanceHello everyone! I just wanted to let you all know that this game is still being developed! I am working hard on processing the finished rules into a more palatable structure. Since June earlier this y... Continue reading
- June 23, 2023 by Jocher Symbolic Systems1#ttrpg, #design, #theory, #orwell, #dystopia, #systemdesign, #academic, #process, #roleplaying, #gamedesignI have something really fun (for me) to announce! I have finished a master's thesis, that has received a pass. In it I am processing the development of the upcoming game Oceania 2084, and the ideas be... Continue reading
- April 14, 2023 by Jocher Symbolic Systems#itch.io, #update, #oceania2084, #ttrpg, #tabletop roleplaying, #sci-fi, #dystopian, #orwellianToday I spent some time updating the itch page of Oceania 2084. It felt like it was time for a facelift. Now the screenshots show the current visual design of the book that will be published later thi... Continue reading
- April 13, 2023 by Jocher Symbolic Systems1#oceania2084, #ttrpg, #milestone, #dystopian, #orwellian, #writingToday I finished the last bit of writing that I needed to do before the rules of Oceania 2084 could be considered complete. It is such a milestone for me and I feel like I have subconsciously been put... Continue reading
- April 09, 2023 by Jocher Symbolic Systems1#ttrpg, #orwellian, #dystopia, #visual aesthetic, #work in progress, #mockup, #typography, #layoutThere are still minor details like a few too-thin margins or a scribble too many o some of the pages but this gives a good idea about how the final book will look. The concrete texture on the first pa... Continue reading
- April 09, 2023 by Jocher Symbolic Systems1#oceania, #ttrpg, #visual design, #typography, #draft, #layout, #rules, #sneak peek, #orwell, #dystopiaSo, tonight was one of those restless nights. No sleep. But, no good complaining, instead I sat down to create a first visual design draft of the rule book for Oceania 2084. I've only done chapter 1 a... Continue reading
- December 15, 2022 by Jocher Symbolic Systems1#oceania, #2084, #orwellian, #ttrpg, #teaser, #core rules, #roleplaying, #dystopian, #dystopia, #thrillerWhile developing the game over the autumn I realized I kind of wanted to let you all in on what I am working with. So I spent some time curating a sneak preview of the core rules. It contains a few pa... Continue reading
- December 15, 2022 by Jocher Symbolic Systems#oceania, #2084, #ttrpg, #character sheets, #thriller, #dystopia, #orwellian, #resistance, #preview, #wip, #roleplayingSo during autumn, I developed a few character sheets when updating the rules of the game. The rules are still under development and these sheets should be considered work-in-progress materials. But, a... Continue reading
- November 10, 2022 by Jocher Symbolic Systems1#playtest, #playtesting, #dystopia, #orwellian, #ttrpg, #roleplaying, #anti-authoritarian, #political, #storytellingI am currently searching for playtesters who would be into exploring an Orwellian game of stealth, fighting oppression, resisting authoritarians, and relational drama. The game is named OCEANIA 2084 ,... Continue reading
- May 25, 2022 by Jocher Symbolic Systems2#oceania, #ttrpg, #beta, #draft, #2022, #spring, #dystopia, #orwellianOkay! The first bigger update, and indeed, the first public version of the rules is finally published! What is the game? The game is in traditional terms GM-less, and the core of the game is an asymme... Continue reading
- December 29, 2021 by Jocher Symbolic Systems#Oceania 2084, #Roleplaying, #Tabletop, #Dystopia, #Bleak, #Orwell, #1984A small selection of texts from the rule book of Oceania 2084 has been uploaded. The uploads contain a glimpse of the introduction and the core principles of the game. Oceania 2084 is a dystopic table... Continue reading
- December 15, 2021 by Jocher Symbolic Systems1#ttrpg, #roleplaying, #dystopia, #dystopic, #orwell, #resistance, #politicalToday I published the page for my upcoming project Oceania 2084. The tabletop roleplaying game is based on the book 1984 written by George Orwell. As such it deals with adult themes, and will at times... Continue reading