Jocher Games - Symbolic Systems

Dark and dystopian TTRPG about hope and resistance.
The text only edition of the Orwellian TTRPG Oceania 2084.
A supplement for "A one in a million chance at adventure"
An introductory adventure for "A one in a million chance at adventure"
A supplement for "A one in a million chance at adventure"
A supplement for "A one in a million chance at adventure"
Dreams of Fire from Void is a storytelling game meant to be played around a fire.
Solitaire zombie survival card game.
Homebrew expansion to the boardgame "The Witches"
settings agnostic emotional resolution system

A one in a million chance at community content & supplements

Political games by others

This is a list of games that I have played/supported through the years that I think should get some more attention.