A downloadable TTRPG adventure

One of the most bizarre episodes in the annals of Morporkian Crime! Revelry… Violence… Mystery! Break the case open, like a peeled nut!

"The characteristic Morporkian rain was drizzling down, the smell from the Ankh felt familiar*. You found yourself in a bit of a pickle, your monetary luck had run out. The collector had come collecting, the tax officer was taxing and you’d lost the latest bet. You really hated stooping so low, but you found yourself scrounging through the periodicals for possible work opportunities. At this point, anything that could put a dollar in your pocket had to be considered an offer you couldn’t refuse." 

The Murder of Dommick Kolchak is a murder mystery adventure suitable for your first play session of A one in a million chance at adventure, a Discworld tribute TTRPG made by Jocher Symbolic Systems in 2020. It is the adventure that was used for internal testing during the development of the core ruleset and it has as such been tested thoroughly and should probably give you a nice and varied experience even after a few playthroughs.


The murder of Dommick Kolchak - adventure for AOIAMCAA - august-9th-2023 - book 4.1 MB

Install instructions

This adventure is intended for play with the core rules of "A one in a million chance at adventure" tabletop roleplaying game. 

Development log

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