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Thank you for creating this zine! I have wondered about how game mechanics can perpetuate certain aspects of society. I loved the ideas brought up in the zine. I look forward to exploring some of the ideas presented. Thank you!


Very happy that you found it useful! Let me know if you do something that you like with any of it! May write a short reflection on the ideas or something, then we can put it into another zine!


This was a really interesting read. I’d never thought about capitalist game design before. It’s something I’ll be keeping in mind when I make stuff from now on!

Woohoo! Mission accomplished! Glad you found it interesting and useful. Keep your eyes peeled for future zines. I am thinking we will do a series of them, covering each category in more detail.


Short but interesting and begging to be expanded.  

(1 edit)

Indeed it needs expansion! The same people are working on a boardgame to try out various ideas already! 


Awesome!  And to clarify:  That was an enthusiastic "We need more of this!"